pittsburgh graphic design


ocreations just received a prestigious national award from Ragan Communications, Inc., the leading online trade group, conference center, and publications producer for corporate communications professionals throughout the United States. ocreations and Giant Eagle Inc. won Best Overall Annual Report in the 2011 Ragan Employee Communications Awards. The 17-page employee-focused publication competed against 25 other impressive corporations and non-profit organizations in that particular category, which included American Airlines and Children's Hospital of Colorado. There were more than 350 entries to the [...]

By |2019-03-15T06:12:05-04:00February 12th, 2019|

ocreations’ Design Makes the Post-Gazette!

ocreations' package design featured on the front page of Pittsburgh Post-Gazette Food & Flavor section. If you picked up a copy of the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette this past Wednesday, April 6, then as you thumbed through it, you may have noticed a familiar face from the ocreations Portfolio. ocreations' client, Pasta Too, was recently featured in the Post-Gazette article, "Made and Sold in Pittsburgh." The article, which highlighted products that are produced by local food companies and are available for purchase in [...]

By |2019-03-15T06:12:06-04:00February 12th, 2019|

ocreations: Proud member of the BBB

Design you can trust: ocreations is proud member of the Better Business Bureau For the past three years, ocreations has been a Better Business Bureau (BBB) accredited business. The Better Business Bureau's purpose is to protect consumers and help people find businesses they can trust: ocreations is one of those businesses. According to the BBB, "Businesses must meet, commit to and maintain the BBB Code of Business Practices (Accreditation Standards) in order to be eligible for and maintain BBB Accreditation. The BBB [...]

By |2019-03-15T06:12:06-04:00February 12th, 2019|

ocreations named “Tourism Partner of the Year”

We are excited to announce that Visit Pittsburgh has named ocreations as its Tourism Partner of the Year! The ocreations team earned this title "For demonstrating the utmost in creativity and for consistently going above and beyond when designing the Official Visitors Guide to Pittsburgh and retail merchandise," as the inscription on the award reads. An Award-Winning Team: Jesse, Shawn, and Nina with the "Tourism Partner of the Year" award from VisitPittsburgh   The honor of being named "Tourism [...]

By |2019-03-15T06:12:06-04:00February 12th, 2019|

ocreations does “officially” great design for Visit Pittsburgh

ocreations designs fourth Official Visitors Guide for Visit Pittsburgh Since 2013, ocreations has been working with Visit Pittsburgh to design their annual Official Visitors Guide – or the “OVG,” as we like to call it. In February, we celebrated the launch of the 2016 Official Visitors Guide. While the 2016 OVG was our fourth run around the Visit Pittsburgh block, it was by far our biggest and coolest OVG for them yet. When our friends from Visit Pittsburgh came to us for [...]

By |2019-03-15T06:12:07-04:00February 12th, 2019|
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